Drain Skill effects from two separate sources are required to lower skill to zero when it is naturally 101–200. This method can save quite a bit of gold, effectively reducing the cost of training a skill by up to 900 or more gold per level. When the Drain effect wears out your skill will return to its actual level plus however many you trained.
If only one application of Drain Skill is done then the next level will then cost 10 and so on adding to a total of 100g for 5 levels in that skill if reduced completely to 0. So long as the player's current skill level is 0 the game will not charge for training. It is possible to train 5 times at no charge if one reapplies the Drain Skill between each free training session. Doing this will allow you to train one level for free (or a reduced cost). Through use of potions, poisons, spells or enchantments it is possible to reduce a skill temporarily to 0, or as low as your character can manage. Drain 'Skill' also affects the amount of gold paid to a trainer.