DOWNLOAD: Free eBook, “Skype for Business User Tips & Tricks for Anyone” (PDF, 200pgs, 3.Millions of people (48 million and counting, in fact) have opted for Skype, which uses peer-to-peer (P2P) technology to turn any PC. You can also read a subset of the tips online here: Skype Hacks tells you what all the Skype hype is about, explains the basics, and shows you more than 100 clever tips and tricks for tweaking and tuning Skype to make it do just what you want and more. ' has a plethora of tips and tricks around utilizing Skype for Business! …this grouping of tips can you great workflows that you can share with your customers!' –Todd Sweetser, Microsoft TS2 Team more It’s nice to have a document with a table of contents…much better than the help file within Skype!' –Rick Grams II, Operations & Technology Leadership We’ve had a slow adoption to the full toolset, but the book 'Skype for Business User Tips & Tricks Step by Step for Anyone' has certainly been helpful. 'My organization migrated to Office 365 last year. This book will make any novice or expert user of Skype for Business (Lync) even more productive than they were before.
Skype for Business User Tips & Tricks Step by Step for Anyone is over 100 pages of tips, tricks and hacks by Skype for Business MVP Matt Landis.